#9 Jack's Wife Freda

Hi, everyone! How are you doing? I hope you all are having fun during this long weekend.😊 Today, I'll talk about one of the great places for eating breakfast or lunch in Manhattan.
The name of the place is "Jack's Wife Freda". There is one on Lafayette St. in SoHo and the other one on Carmine St. in West Village, Manhattan. Since this place is pretty famous and popular even among tourists, it is really crowded especially on weekend.  Avoid weekend's lunch time, so that you can be relaxed and enjoy meals or chatting with your friends or family.
 週末いかがお過ごしですか?今日はマンハッタンにある可愛らしくて人気のあるカフェ&レストランを紹介したいと思います。Jack's Wife Fredaという、SoHoとWest Villageに店舗をかまえる可愛いレストランです。このレストランはとても人気で、週末のランチタイムに行くと必ず行列ができていますので、もしもゆっくり食事を楽しみたいというのであれば平日に行くことをお勧めします。😊
Check the official site: http://jackswifefreda.com/ 

Chicken Kebab with Cous Cous
みなさんも、ニューヨークに来て朝食やランチに迷った際は、ぜひJack's Wife Fredaに行かれてはどうですか。😉 それでは素敵な週末を。
Have a great weekend!


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