#14 Hunters Point South Waterfront Park
Hi! Konnichiwa, everyone.😊💕 How's going? ..I got purple hair! Actually, it was an accident. I usually use color-controlling products to make my hair white-look, but I mistook the amount of it. And it happened.😅 Do you like it?
By the way, It will soon be summer vacation! Do you have any plans on your summer vacation? I have nothing special, except my friends will visit me from Japan and Nevada for a week. Honestly, I wanted to visit my boyfriend.. but he said he will be busy in August... So, I will probably work harder for my blog and also will start my new job as a fashion columnist for Japanese Website, SEKAI STORY from next month. 💪💗
私は今のところ特別大きな予定はないので、もっとブログに書けそうな場所を発掘したり、来月からは、ニューヨークのヴィンテージショップ、古着屋さん、オシャレな雑貨屋さんについてコラムを書くお仕事をいただきましたので、そちらのお仕事にも力を入れていこうと思います。😊 (また、掲載がはじまり次第、そちらのWebsiteの紹介は改めてしたいと思います。)
Anyway, I'd like to share one of my favorite places in Queens, New York City today! It's a cozy and beautiful park called Hunters Point SouthWaterfront Park.
As you can see in my first picture, the view from this park is amazing!! You can see the east side of Manhattan. This park is located just one stop away from Grand Central Terminal by 7th train towards Flushing Main St. This park is really lovely and peaceful, and there is a small cafe/bar in the park. So you can also enjoy meals and drinks there. And, the night view from this park is also amazing‼ (Though I didn't take a picture..😅) Since there are some basketball and volleyball courts, play grounds, dog friendly areas, and they have fitness equipment, this place is perfect for working out. They also have some events every Tuesday night in this summer! Personally, I prefer this park to Central Park because Central Park is too big to see everything...
Check more information: https://www.nycgovparks.org/parks/hunters-point-south-park
マンハッタン、グランドセントラル駅から地下鉄7番線で一駅先にある、Vernon Blvd駅から徒歩8-10分、Hunters Point South Waterfront Parkという、とても美しくて居心地のいい公園は、私のお気に入りの場所のひとつです。😊とても眺めが綺麗な公園で、マンハッタンの東側を一望することができます。夜景もとっても綺麗ですが、今回は夜景の写真をとっていないので悪しからず、、。😓 クイーンズはマンハッタンよりかは落ち着いていて、どちらかといえば閑静な場所なのですが、クイーンズにもたくさん魅力があります。公園の中には、小さなカフェ&バーがあるので、ランチには持ってこいの場所です。綺麗な眺めを見ながら、お酒を飲むこともできますよ!🙆💗 バスケやバレーのコート、フォットネス器具も充実しているので、ワークアウトには最適です。個人的には、とっても大きすぎるセントラルパークよりも、この公園が好きです。👍
If you have a chance to visit New York City, check out this park! This park is really close from Manhattan, cozy and peaceful! I'm sure you will love this place and its amazing view!
マンハッタンからとても近くにある公園なので、観光で来られる方にもぴったりの絶景のフォトスポットです‼🙆 機会があればぜひ訪れてみてくださいね~
See you soon!
Reina 💗
Scroll down to see more pictures↓(もっと写真を見る)
↑You can see Empire State Building on the left side.
黒いハイヒールはTory Burchのクラシックな物ですが、
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