#18 New York Denim Days

Hi, lovelies! How's going? 😙 It has been lovely days, these days like not so hot and not so cold. Personally, I love this season so much because it is the perfect season to wear denim items, which are my favorite. And last weekend, I just went to the event called NEW YORK DENIM DAYS 2017 at Metropolitan Pavilion in Chelsea, Manhattan with my friend. So I'd like to share you about the event today.

みなさんこんにちは、いかがお過ごしですか?ニューヨークは最近天気も良くてお出かけ日和な毎日です。もうだいぶ秋らしくなってきたのですが、私はこの暑すぎず、寒すぎずという気候が大好きです。なぜなら!私の大好きなデニムアイテムを着るのにはぴったりのシーズンだからです😆💕 そして先週マンハッタンのチェルシーで行われたニューヨークデニムデイズ 2017というイベントに友達と行ってきたので、今日はそのイベントのことをお伝えできればと思います😊

Jackets from ORTA ANADOLU (Ig:@orta_anadolu) and my friend Jiji / http://www.ortaanadolu.com/

The first annual New York Denim Days Festival took place on September 30th and October 1st. Actually, this event was a part of New York Textile Month, which I wrote about last week.😉 This event included interactive displays, indigo dying and new denim designers as well as established brands, and denim mills, a vintage denim market. It was amazing! 😊A one-day street bazaar was held outside on the last day of the event. Most of the people wore blue denims to join this event and so did I.


デニムアート Denim Art by Ian Berry (Ig: @ianberry.art) No.1

This is the denim art work created by Ian Berry. I was very impressed with his art work.😆 I never thought that someone brings his or her art works made from denims since I was only focusing on clothing. At first glance, Ian’s works look like blue toned photographs or indigo colored oil paintings. This is not only when viewed online or in print, when much of the depth and detail is lost, but even up close! When you look at his art works in a touching distance, you may realize that you're looking at many layers, and shades, of denim jeans.

Ian Berry Official: http://www.ianberry.org/ 

↑ Denim Art by Ian Berry (Ig: @ianberry.art) No.2

Denim Jackets from Denimrush (Ig: @denimrush) /

The first and second day, the pop-up stores in the event sold expensive products like $300-$3000. However, at the outside bazaar on Sunday, the stores sold reasonable-priced products so that participants actually could purchase. I also bought a pair of vintage denim pants and a vintage bag there. Since I am a big fan of blue denims and studying textile at college, this event was really valuable for me and lots of fun. 

If you are a denim lover or a vintage lover and have any chances to join Denim Days events near your place, I highly recommend you to attend them😊 So check it out~!

New York Denim Days Official:http://denim-days.com/ny/

イベント初日は、展示以外の商品も売られていたのですが、なかなかお値段のする商品ばかりで、安くて3万円~30万円という幅広い価格で、正直実際に商品を購入している参加者をあまり見ませんでした😅 最終日の外で行われたバザーでは、数多くのヴィンテージショップや、普段は一般に商品を売ることのないような会社などが参加していましたが、実際に購入できるような、リーズナブルな価格で販売されていたので、私もいくつか商品を購入しましたよ😙💓 このデニムデイズというイベントは、色々な地域で開催されているイベントなので、みなさんも近くで開催された際には、ぜひ足を運んでみてはいかがですか?

See you next one!

See more pictures (もっと写真を見る)

Cotton Candy at denim days

 ↑The Vintage bag I bought at the event.
       ORTA ANADOLU (Ig:@orta_anadolu) and my friend Jiji 


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