#22 College Life in New York City (Part 2)
Hi everyone! 😄 Are you guys excited for Christmas holidays? Have you guys already got any gifts for your family members, friends and girl friend or boy friend? Well.. me? Not really, I only got for myself!😂 ✨ Today, I’m going to tell you about college life and studying abroad in NYC (part2) because I got lots of messages through SNS after I posted my 19th post about my college life in NYC. 皆さんこんにちは!😄💕 もうすぐクリスマスですが、皆さんはもう家族や友達、彼氏彼女のクリスマスプレゼントはGetしましたか?私は、全く自分の物しか買っていません!🤪(笑) 今日は、19回目の記事“ College Life ”の反響が大きかったので、ニューヨークでの大学生活についてまた詳しく、長々と、、、紹介していこうと思います! 1: Cultural shocks (カルチャーショック) 1-1: New York City Subway (ニューヨークの地下鉄) 1-2: Religion (宗教) 2: How my characteristics have changed (私の性格変わったの!?) 1: Cultural shocks (カルチャーショック) After I came to New York City, I’ve had lots of cultural shocks though it is not my first time to come to the U.S,. Even my friends here often say “New York City is completely different from other c...